People always say, ‘That scar gives you character…’

…which I guess could be good, seeing as I’m supposed to be an actor.

It’s someting that’s been a part of my face and my life for longer than it hasn’t. Sometimes I wonder what my life would have been like without it, but I always know how lucky I am to still have both eyes and I can still manage a smile, even though it’s lop sided.

Some of my friends say that they don’t even see it anymore, but for many people with facial scars I’m guessing like me, it’s the first thing see when they look into a mirror or see a photo of themselves and it’s a constant reminder of how ever it happened.

I always see other people’s, and every now and again you get the slightest nod. Sometimes I see people with fresh facial scars and I wanna talk to them. Ask them how it happened. Each and every scar we have tells a story. Some are tales of stupidity like mine and some are more traumatic, but either way I always wanna say, ‘Hey, high five, bigs hugs, I know how it feels when people look at you and judge you because of a mark on your face…’

I can’t speak for everyone, but if you do wanna ask me how it happened, I won’t mind. Respectful curiosity is always welcomed.

I was very lucky with my scar, for some reason the universe decided to let me keep my eyeball, my nose and my lip…

Cheers for that x


Simon Wan

Simon Wan

Simon Wan

Simon Wan

Simon Wan

Simon Wan

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4 thoughts on “People always say, ‘That scar gives you character…’

  1. Simon Wan says:

    Reblogged this on SUPER MASSIVE BLAPS and commented:

    Does one reblog your own blog? Hmmm I dunno, and I just did…


  2. James Smeaton says:

    I really enjoy everything about how you share yourself with the world. It’s very honest, raw and creative. Just discovered you today via The Defiant guide to Digital Art and NFTs and I immediately thought of my daughter and how I need to show her your work. She is 10, and the idea of boundless creative expression is something I hope I can reinforce to her, especially with sharpies which she makes generous use of. Big love from Nova Scotia.


  3. teamivankaye says:

    Actually like that about you. Believe it or not, as a child, I found facial scars so cool that I wanted to have one. Of course, I didn’t think of how they come into being.

    Liked by 1 person

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